Lower Back Pain Kidney

Lower back pain arises due to so many causes. It can be acute or chronic and can be severe or mild. It is a guaranteed statement that everyone in his or her life compulsorily experienced lower back pain. It is most common in older age people; however, young age girls and boys are also suffering from this problem. Due to its painfulness, people often find irritating and cruel to others without any reason. As mentioned, Lower back pain can arise due to so many factors. But, the most common one is lifting heavy items without following proper guide for weight lifting. Other causes are fractures, injury of muscles, joint injury, herniated disc (due to repeated motion like tennis and squash players), Osteoarthritis, Spinal deformities, Spondylolisthesis (one vertebra slides to the other one), Spinal stenosis, kidney stone, and infection. Lower back pain arises from kidney infections spread quickly to the hip. Often people misunderstand the cause of back pain and use various kinds of treatment like cream and balm; this makes the case more worst. So it is essential to identify the causes of lower back pain.
In this article, we will cover the lower back pain kidney. Kidneys are located in the lower backside inside the abdominal cavity. The kidney performs an important function of the urinary system, maintaining a proper balance of acid-base, effective regulation of electrolytes. Sometimes, bacteria from the urethra or the bladder move to one of the kidneys causing infection in the kidney. If this is not treated promptly, it may lead to severe kidney problems (this leads to severe lower back pain) and sepsis (severe blood poisoning again leading to lower back pain). But if proper attention is given to judge the exact location of lower back pain, one can identify the causes. If you are feeling pain at your back just above your hip at the exact location where your kidneys are located, there is a strong chance that you have pain because of kidney infection or kidney stones.

As there are numerous kinds of causes of lower back pain, it becomes difficult for the affected patient to diagnose the reason for this. Often, kidney infections are not easy to determine, and they spread over quite quickly within a day or even hours.  The lower back is also happening due to stone in kidneys and the patient finds severe pain when lying down on the bed.

Lower Back Pain Kidney Symptoms 

1. Back pain
2. Nausea (uncomfortable feeling)
3. Vomiting/emesis (Due to pain, stomach’s content comes out from the mouth and sometimes from the nose.)
4. Severe pain while urinating (this is the main point which the patient can use to judge the cause of lower back pain)
5. Blood coming in urine
6. Inability to urinate completely
7. Pain in the lower part of the abdomen

You should consult doctors regarding the lower back pain kidney problem; otherwise, it may endanger your kidneys and life. Usually, doctors suggest antibiotic medicines like Fluoroquinolones, Bata-lactam, Trimethoprim, and Co-trimoxazole to treat this. As always there are side effects of each antibiotic, if you feel some things unusual, consult your doctor.



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