How To Make French Fries

Health is the most valuable asset of human beings. If you eat the right and healthy food it can help you to maintain your lifestyle which makes you feel better, looks better and live longer. Vegetables are a good source of a healthy diet if it cooks in a proper way. There are many vegetables which are full of nutrition and good fats. Potatoes are one of them. Raw potatoes are fat-free. They are a very good source of food which is available throughout the whole year. As it is known to be an enriching source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, manganese, and copper. It also contains a huge variety of phytonutrients that have antioxidant activity. There are many dishes which made up of potatoes and the majority of the people like them. One of them is ‘French Fries’. Thin long cut slice potatoes are sometimes called ‘French Fries’. French Fries are made up of Potatoes. It is liked all over the world, especially the children of young age as it is the most popular snack from both young people to the elderly one.
Nowadays people should be very careful about their diet that which types of food they take and from that intake what they consume. However French fries have some nutritional advantages in them. French fries are generally served hot. Fries are of different types such as steak fries, jojos,thick-cut fries, crinkle fries, shoestring fries, curly fries, hand-cut fries and tornado fries. It also contains a huge amount of fiber. Fiber plays an important role in pass waste through your system and any fiber deficiency in your body may suffer you to face extreme bowel, another stomach, and liver problem as well as poor digestions diseases which makes your life sick. French fries also provide potassium to your body which gives you a huge amount of energy throughout the whole day. Any deficiency of potassium may experience someone to get a week and get the problem of muscle disorders. By eating Potato fries one can also get vitamin B6 which helps against menopause and hormonal disorders. It also helps you to get healthy and shiny hair. We are sharing the best recipe for French fries. The oil used in this recipe is cholesterol free which makes your diet healthier.

In this article, we are going to share the perfect recipe for making ‘French Fries’. Here are the ingredient and recipe methods of French fries with the approx. time of preparation.

Total time of Preparation:

Cooking Time: It may take 30 to 40 minutes to cook.


• Potatoes: 4 to 5 medium size
• Olive or canola oil: ½ cup
• Black pepper and Salt(optional): As to taste
• Ketchup, B.B.Q Sauce and Mayonnaise(optional)
• Corn flour: 6 tbsp.

Recipe Method:

Wash all the potatoes properly, dry and then peel it off. Cut them all in a long-thin shaped slice by the help of a clean sharp knife. Make sure that the size of all sliced potatoes must be the same. Pour 6 tbsp. of fined corn flour powder then place them in a freezer for up to 15 minutes. Take a frying pan and pour ½ cup of olive or canola oil in that. Bring out the sliced potatoes from the freezer. Make sure about the hotness of the oil by putting a single potato slice in a pan. If it starts frying then it means that the oil is ready to cook. Pour all the potatoes in a frying pan and cook till its color gets changed to a golden brown. When it gets cooked properly strains them and set into a serving plate. Sprinkle black pepper and salt on to them.

Now, ‘French Fries’ is ready to eat. Serve it with BBQ sauce, Ketchup, and mayonnaise and take a spicy bite by dipping them on to the sauce. 




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